CRACK fiberglass shower repair part 2

We figured at the worst; we would ruin the shower.  Then we would have to call the “outfitter” folks.  At the BEST, we could fix it.  The homemade job could be covered with a rubber floor mat, no one the wiser.   Following the YouTube videos, we went slowly.  Some supplies I purchased at our local orange Big Box store.  Sandpaper (it was a certain coarseness) I got at Walmart.  The white repair tape was a bit expensive, we found that on Amazon. The area had to be sanded to get the epoxy to stick.  The caulking had to dry a certain way.  After all was said and done it worked.  If our tub in the guest bath cracks, we already have the supplies, which we will save.

CRAAACK fiberglass shower repair

My Problem:   40-year-old fiberglass shower suddenly developed a floor crack.  What to do?  There was no local reliable repairman who could fix this.  (There used to be one, but he retired and his replacement was doing shoddy work.)  The only alternative was to hire a “bath remodeler” 54 miles away.  The cheapest estimate was going to be 4K but could possibly run $9- 19K easily.  We decided to watch YouTube videos and attempt it ourselves.  You can do it also!  Just take your time and watch multiple videos.  Watch more than one time and pay attention to details and time involved.  Relax, watch them over and over, don’t jump into the repair until you feel confident enough.  It helps if you are well-versed in-home repairs, have some tools, or worked in Maintenance somewhere in your life.  Your goal will be to do it RIGHT the first time.   Supplies needed:  roof seam repair tape also used to fix fiberglass boats (comes in white), sandpaper, caulk, certain size drill bit, epoxy, battery powered drill.

Ask A Friend! Seriously!

A note to you senior citizens out there– ask your friends for recommendations.  This means on everything!  Yes, everything from A-Z!  Beauty salons, car mechanics, doctors, dentists, computer repair.  That is the simple beauty of getting old—somebody—somewhere– has been down this dark long, lonely road before you, especially on health issues.  If you are worrying needlessly about a small health issue that’s popped up (or perhaps two or three), discreetly ask a close friend.  They just might have the same issue/symptom/cough/worry and can help you out with tips and suggestions.  If you are afraid of getting something looked at by a doctor, one thing I always keep in the back of my mind is they are aways inventing a new machine/tool, procedure, or pill or outpatient visit that might clear up your issue.  The world is not a perfect place, but believe me, sometimes you need to get over the embarrassment issue and just open your mouth.  Matter of fact, run it by your friends and just ADMIT you are worried.  It might just save your life one day!

Legends: A Joint Task Force 13 anthology

There are 10 stories in this anthology. There are all kinds of exotic and far-flung locations: Bosnia, French Polynesia, the Ecuadorian jungle, North Korea, even the Soviet front! My favorite stories were “Back In The Saddle” by L.A. Behm and “Fire & Ice” by William Roberts. Really, it was difficult to pick two favorites. The writing was top-notch. On sale at Amazon.

Water, hydration, dehydration in older adults

Are you having trouble drinking 8 glasses of water a day?  I had to miss a doctor appointment in July because I got dehydrated the day before.  So, I got serious on this water drinking.  Having a big plastic 32-oz cup in the kitchen just wasn’t working.  I put an identical one in the back of the house, closer to the TV room.  Problem solved.  It works like this– when I’m in the kitchen, I get a drink.  When I move to the back of the same house, do the same.  By bedtime I’ve finished all 64 oz.

It Came From the Trailer Park Pt 2

I hope you have already read It Came From the Trailer Park Part 1. If not, you NEED to. Yes, Part 2 is a stand-alone book, but it really builds on the first classic. Pull on your flannel shirt and slam that trucker hat down on your Mullet. Grab your empty Mason jar and sack of pork cracklins. Start up your ’82 Dodge Charger and travel down to the Starlite Drive-In theater. You might want to pull off at the cemetery while you’re at it, Enjoy twelve completely different but equally fine stories. I got the biggest hoot from reading one selection, Send In the Clown. It reminded me so much of one of my favorite novels from the Nineties, Geek Love.

would you like to invest in stocks?

I just finished a book by a British author- A.Z. Penn. The title was Fundamentals of Analysis. He teaches you in simple terms how to learn about buying stocks. I am getting ready to read his other book! It was written in twelfth grade reading level, so anyone can learn from it.

Fantasy in a fine form! Misfits of Magic!

The older I get, the more I appreciate short stories vs. epic-length novels. I read two stories every day, then stopped. Repeat the next day when I had time to read, savor, and fully enjoy. Every story in this collection was a real gem. If you like fantasy, you will truly enjoy this book! Available now on Amazon.