Darkness In A Sky of Embers! Get a copy!

I finished this book in one day, it was so good!  Ms. Sarmiento has written a fine YA/SciFi book. The first few pages put me in mind of the old Ender’s Game, which was a big hit movie.  Unfortunately, I disliked Enders.  Darkness in A Sky Of Embers is way better!  The protagonist (Engineer Madeline Yazzie) is a young fifteen-year-old soldier.  She is enlisted in something similar to our Space Force.  The story is set in the far future and there has been a terrible alien invasion.  I don’t want to give away a lot about the aliens, but there are four other types of creatures that come and go in the story.  Madeline has other soldiers who are in battles with her named Goodway and Rostein.  They are secondary characters but play important roles. Ms. Sarmiento must have more than a passing knowledge of our US military because she weaves in bits about “marriage and military don’t mix”, military awards for battle actions, respect of rank and insignias, even active duty service members who take out military allotments to aid their family members.

up for sale! Nuclear: A Tale of Love and Radiation!

up for sale! Nuclear: A Tale of Love and Radiation!.

up for sale! Nuclear: A Tale of Love and Radiation!

NUKEat long last- up for sale (Ebook only at this time, but perhaps in a day or two print version)  Selling on Solstice Publishing.Com and Amazon.

Where U @ book review! by K.C. Sprayberry

Where U @ is a YA novel by K.C. Sprayberry. At first, I thought this was just a story of a high school girl and her boyfriend. But I soon got involved reading about her family life and not her school life. She has problems with her mother and grandmother. She despises her long-gone but not forgotten father. But as the story moves along, she finds her grandmother is not as bad as she seems. Trea is dealt a rough hand early in life and it is not her fault. Every time she gets a happy moment, something else quickly comes along to dull the thrill of a golden moment. Over and over she has to figure out how to overcome her horrible upbringing. I found myself cheering Trea on, hoping against hope that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel for the plucky and hard working girl. This was a very satisfying and well written book. You will remember it long after you finish the last page.