Ozzy Osbourne and hair dye

this is Part “B” to my Elton John post. Also, at the ripe age of 32, I could not distinguish when people dyed their hair. This is not like now, when people have pink and green hair. Just normal colors– blonde, black, red, or brown. And yes, there were several girls in my high school who colored their hair. But it just never registered with me later in life. The same hairdresser (ok her name was Debbie) said “if a person’s hair is too RICH or too EVEN it is usually hair dye.” So at that point, I made an effort to learn this by subtle observation. Not like saying in front of co-workers, “HEY do you DYE your hair?” Plus I asked other co-workers on the sly to verify what I thought. I am so embarrassed to admit this. Geesh.  I thought I’d add Ozzy’s face to my post to make it fun.

Sir Elton John and wig spottings

This is a lighthearted post. Saw in the news last week that Elton John not only had cancer 2 years ago,but he is now bald. And wearing wigs. I felt sorry for the guy, I mean he underwent hair plug procedures in the past and they say these are terribly painful. Here’s a silly fact about me–I couldn’t recognize when people wore wigs until I was age 32. If I saw somebody, I always thought “yup, that is their real hair.” It took a co-worker who was a former hairdresser to to set me straight. “When a person LOOKS like they have too much hair, it is probably a wig.” Then, “If their hair looks like a HELMET it is probably a wig.” So I want to pass this on.

it is old- toss it! it is rancid! yech

have a friend who refuses to believe their OTC products “age out” (go bad, turn rancid, turn colors). This has been going on for years. These products are: liniments, hydrogen peroxide, acne meds, fast healing ointments, aspirin, sun block. I tried explaining it was important to read the crimp at the end of each tube (there is a tiny date on there) or perhaps a use by date stamped on a bottle. They insisted hydrogen peroxide “lasts and lasts, like forever.” I showed them it did not. We did an experiment with the liniments. I said “the product smells like peppermint and it gets a little warm, but it is not helping my aching leg.” They still refuse to believe. I give up.