It Came From the Trailer Park Pt 2

I hope you have already read It Came From the Trailer Park Part 1. If not, you NEED to. Yes, Part 2 is a stand-alone book, but it really builds on the first classic. Pull on your flannel shirt and slam that trucker hat down on your Mullet. Grab your empty Mason jar and sack of pork cracklins. Start up your ’82 Dodge Charger and travel down to the Starlite Drive-In theater. You might want to pull off at the cemetery while you’re at it, Enjoy twelve completely different but equally fine stories. I got the biggest hoot from reading one selection, Send In the Clown. It reminded me so much of one of my favorite novels from the Nineties, Geek Love.

2016 Nascar season- change in opening?

If Danica Patrick (Go Daddy car) is dropped from the roster, will they change the opening of the race? Now they say “gentlemen, start your engines.” Will they go back to “drivers start your engines?” My guess– they will leave it as it is now. Reason: if another woman driver shows up later down the road (no pun intended) they would have to go back to saying it like they have it now (‘drivers’).